Effective solutions to environmental problems often require the engagement of Resolve’s civil contracting services.
By providing complete cradle to grave solutions to remediation and environmental management concerns, Resolve can deliver cost effective, streamlined solutions to environmental concerns of all kinds.
Civil Contracting services routinely undertaken by Resolve include:
- Facility decommissioning (industrial, petrochemical etc);
- Underground Storage Tank (UST) removal and disposal;
- Landfill gas and leachate extraction system design and installation;
- Contaminated soil excavation, remediation and disposal;
- Groundwater and soil vapour extraction system design and installation;
- Drilling and monitoring well (MW) installation
By providing our clients with a single point of accountability for environmental projects we streamline the process, ensuring that our clients’ environmental consulting and civil requirements are aligned and completed with maximum efficiency. Solutions can be delivered on a lump sum or time and materials basis, depending on the needs of our client.